A-Z Information Directory

Accidents and Sick Students

The Sick Bay is managed by the Office Staff. If you are collecting a child please sign your child out at the office before you take them home.

Please hand all named medications and signed instructions to the office. These will be stored in the School Office and administered by Office Staff.

In the event of an accident your child will be administered basic first aid. If medical assistance is required or your child is unwell you will be contacted and asked to collect your child. An ambulance will be called in an emergency and parents will be advised as soon as practicable.

Allergies and Severe Medical Conditions

Medications for specific allergies/illnesses will be kept in the School Office (and in some cases the classroom). We also need to be provided with details for administration. Details of students with significant life-threatening conditions are held in the form of a health plan in the school Staffroom. Parents must inform the office of any changes in their child’s health plan to ensure that correct action is taken.

After School Programme

Maryanne Roling ph 0211215599 runs a Before School Programme 7.30-8.30am and an After School Care at Glenholme School from 3pm-5.30pm. Students are collected from St Mary’s at the end of the school day. Contact Maryanne for current prices. Discounted rates are available for two or more students from a family.

See www.glenholmeafterschool.co.nz for further information

Maryanne usually offers a programme for parents needing their child supervised on Teacher Only Days.

Analysis of Learning, Annual Report and Financial Statements


Assemblies are seen as a valuable opportunity to bring the whole school community together in order to celebrate, share and to activate learning.

Assemblies are usually held on Friday afternoons at 2.05pm, except on days when we have a Mass or Liturgy. Each week a different class runs the Assembly. Parents are welcome to join us at Assemblies.

NB: Please check with your classroom teacher to confirm when your child's classroom assembly will be.

Attendance and Notification of Absences

Student attendance is directly linked to student progress and success in learning. We monitor student’s attendance closely. It is important that students arrive at school on time and attend every day.

Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent.


You can telephone the office at any time and leave a message detailing the reason for your child’s absence. There is also a link on the school website for notification or absences. Absences can also be reported through our app via SchoolAppsNZ. Please notify the school every day your child is away. If your child is going to be absent for any reason other than illness, please inform the school in advance, where possible, of the dates they will be away.

St Mary’s Catholic School uses an electronic attendance system to record the roll and to monitor student attendance. This information is reported weekly to the Ministry of Education.

Biking to School

If your child bikes to school there are bike racks at the Carnot Street entrance - behind the Caretaker's garage.

It is your child’s responsibility to lock their bikes securely. Children need to wear a properly fitted helmet when riding their bikes.

Students should walk their bike through the school grounds to avoid accidents.


Our school bus operator is Go Bus.

Eligibility for School Transport Assistance

We often get questions about whether students qualify for school transport assistance i.e., a place on a school bus.

To check if your child is eligible for a MOE funded School bus first have a look at the information below and then you can contact Ewen @ Go Bus, phone 07 5432926, to check your eligibility.

If your child is eligible, and you wish to make use of the school bus, you also need to speak to staff in our School Office about completing a bus form. Only once this form is completed can your child travel on the bus - as we then add the student name to our school bus list.

The school bell goes at 2.45pm for bus students. Bus students need to move quickly to the Ranolf Street entrance where a staff member checks students onto the bus. The bus duty teacher does not have time to send for any students who have not turned up for the bus. The bus is on a very tight schedule and the feeder bus needs to get from St Mary's to JPC so it doesn't hold up other buses.

The Ministry of Education has three criteria that students must meet in order to qualify for school transport assistance. They are:

  1. The student must attend their closest state or state-integrated school - so if St Michael's is your closest Catholic primary school you are NOT eligible.
  2. The student must live more than a certain distance from the school (Years 1-8: at least 3.2km)
  3. There must be no suitable public transport options

A high standard of behaviour is expected on the bus. Failure to meet this expectation can result in a child no longer being able to travel on the bus.

Responsibility of caregivers

To ensure a safe environment for bus loading and unloading, caregivers should:

  1. not park in bus bays
  2. adhere to the speed limit (20 km/h while passing a stationary school bus on either side of
    the road)
  3. try to eliminate the need for children to cross the road
  4. ensure that children get to and from the bus stop safely
  5. teach children to not run across the road

Please either stay with your children while they are waiting for their school transport in the morning or keep in contact with them to make sure that they are picked up safely.

Change of Address, Phone Number or Email

It is important to let the school know if you change address or phone number, particularly if we need to contact you in case of an emergency.

Please contact the School Office if your address, telephone number, email or emergency contact details change.


We have a culture of open communication at St Mary’s School. We aim to inform parents of all upcoming events and school projects through our Newsletters, Classroom Seesaw messages, School App, and via our Website and email where necessary.

To receive our digital newsletter sign up on the home page of our website. For School Apps - locate 'School Apps' in your phones 'Play Store' and download. Once installed you can find our school and sign up for various alerts. Please ask at the office if you require help. Newsletters are emailed on Wednesdays. They are also available on the website.

Class teachers may also send notices home. These are not generally on the school website, but information is usually also on Seesaw for your classroom.

Key Dates and Events

Key and dates in the school year will be shared in school newsletter.


As a staff we are open to discussing any particular concerns or positive feedback you have. If you have any concerns, your first port of call is your child’s teacher.

If you still have concerns after talking to your child’s teacher then please talk to the Team Leader.

If you feel that your concerns are still not being adequately addressed then please put them in writing to the Principal.

If your concern is serious in nature, is about the principal, or has not been resolved through communication with the principal, you may contact the chair of the Board of Trustees. If your concern is about the chair of the Board of Trustees, contact another member of the Board.

In cases of a protected disclosure (‘whistleblowing’), St Mary’s School is committed to handling such disclosures properly as required under the relevant Act of Parliament. We encourage employees, contractors, board members, and volunteers to make a protected disclosure if they believe on reasonable grounds there is or has been serious wrongdoing. We treat protected disclosures seriously. A copy of the Protected Disclosure Policy may be accessed through the school office.

Contact Us

You can make contact with us in many ways:

Phone: 07 3481701


Staff email addresses are listed on our school website and app.

Street Address: 37 Carnot Street, Rotorua 3010

Postal Address: PO Box 1213, Rotorua 3040

Our website is www.stmarysrotorua.school.nz

Court Orders Regarding Access and Custody Arrangements

Please provide all documentation to the office. We cannot deny access to a parent based on a verbal request.

Golden Time and Golden Rules

All students are expected to follow Golden Rules. We have Classroom Golden Rules and Playground Golden Rules.


We are gentle
We are kind and helpful
We work hard
We look after property
We listen
We are honest


Do be gentle
Do be kind and helpful
Do care for your playground
Do be honest
Do keep the playground safety rules

The school operates Golden Time on Friday afternoons as part of our Behaviour Management Plan. Classes get to select an activity that they wish to do during this time. Children who do not follow the Golden Rules in class or in the playground may lose some of or all of their Golden Time.

Health and Safety


A mobile dental unit visits our school on a regular basis. Let the school office know if you want to make alternative arrangements re your child’s dental healthcare.


Headlice like healthy hair. This school is no different from any other in that headlice can be a problem from time to time. The spread of headlice in a classroom can be controlled and prevented by checking your child’s hair regularly (eggs take about 9 days to hatch).

If lice or eggs are found consult your chemist and notify the child’s teacher.

When we are made aware of Headlice within a class we usually send a notice home to all children in that classroom to check their child's hair.


We actively promote sun safety. The school has shaded areas and children must wear hats when playing outside during Terms 1 and 4.


If you have any concerns please let your child’s teacher know. Testing may be done at school by Public Health Nurses for vision and hearing.


We believe that a safe, hygienic, attractive and healthy environment is essential. From time to time the school is audited for Health and Safety.

Please report any hazards to the office so appropriate interim action can be taken.


Please help the school to promote child safety by being both safety conscious and considerate when dropping off and picking up your child.

There is no parking available for parents in the school grounds, apart from one disability carpark.

We are lucky having three school gates - Ranolf Street, Seddon Street and Carnot Street. Please think of others when dropping off and collecting your child and be very aware of children at all times.

Talk to your child about “stranger danger”. If they walk to school encourage them to walk with others.

Talk to your child about strategies to deal with approaches by strangers e.g. say ‘no’, note car colours or numbers and most importantly report incidents.

Ensure your child know the arrangements for going home, especially if there is a change from the usual procedure. If they have any problems tell them to let a teacher know.

We all have a responsibility towards child safety in our community.


If you are in the school in the event of an emergency please follow the teacher instructions and procedures below.

Signal: Evacuation message OR Fire Alarm

Action: Children and visitors follow teacher directions in a quick and orderly manner. Everyone needs to evacuate the school buildings.

The evacuation point assembly point is at the Ranolf Street end of the school field and classes line up.
The Principal will give the command to re-enter the building when it is safe.

Drills will be conducted on a regular basis. An evacuation map is displayed in all classrooms.

Hours of School - Bell times

We strongly encourage children to arrive at school about 8.30am to prepare for the days learning. This gives them time to get organised for the day, catch up with their classmates and be ready for our 8.45am start. Classrooms are open from 8.30am.

After school children must leave the school grounds by 3.15pm unless they are attending a supervised sports practice, or have their parent supervising them.

Children left waiting for parents after 3.15pm have to come and sit on the Office Steps.

Teachers are unable to provide supervision or take responsibility for your child after 3.15pm as they have meetings to attend etc.

If your child is regularly still waiting at 3.15pm we will ask that you look at after school care as a practical solution.


8:30 Classrooms are opened to students
8:45 School starts
10:45 - 11:05 Morning tea
11:05 - 11:15 Eating time
12:45-1:30 Lunchtime
1:30 - 1:45 Eating time
2.50 Bus students need to be at the Ranolf Street gate in time to board buses.
3:00 School ends


8:30 Classrooms are opened to students
8:45 School starts
10:30 - 10:50 Morning tea
10:50 - 11:00 Eating time
12:30-1:15 Lunchtime
1:15 - 1:30 Eating time
2.50 Bus students need to be at the Ranolf Street gate in time to board buses.
3:00 School ends

International Students

Please contact our school office with international student inquiries.

Leaving School During School Hours

When picking children up during the day for appointments, please sign them out using the digital register at the school office.

You may collect them from their classroom once they are signed out.

If you have someone else collecting them that doesn't usually pick them up please let the office know.


The school library has a growing collection of books - fiction (including picture books), non-fiction and reference books.

Students are encouraged to maximise the use of the library and will visit once a week with their class. The library is also open during some lunchtimes and anyone is welcome to visit at these times.

You will be notified of overdue books and in the unfortunate occasion that a book is lost you will be invoiced.

Lunches at School

Most students bring their lunch from home. Please ensure that you provide a healthy lunch and a drink bottle of water for your child. There are drink fountains at school.

Pita Pit Lunches are available to order on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week.

An account with Lunch Online needs to be set up in order to be able to order. www.lunchonline.co.nz

Once you have done this, you can order lunch and this will be delivered to the office for your child to collect.

PTA Sausage Sizzle on Fridays

The PTA run a sausage sizzle on a Friday. Orders are placed in the classroom at the start of the day. Sausage in bread (with or without sauce) are $2 and Juicies (Frozen Fruit Juice) are also $2 each.


All payments for the school should handed to the office in a marked envelope with the students name, classroom, Guardian and detail of what it is for.

Students should not bring additional money or any valuables to school.

Payments can also be made by direct credit to the school account.

School account details are as follows:

Bank and Branch: ANZ Rotorua
Account number: 06 0209 0229658 00
Reference: Family name and Details

New Entrant Orientation

Starting school is an important milestone in the life of a child. It is a time of change and adjustment both on the part of the child and of their parents.

Once your child’s enrolment is confirmed, you will be advised when they can start pre-school class, which is usually held on a Friday from 8.30-10.30am. We recommend students attend the pre-school class for four weeks immediately prior to starting at school. These classes will help you and your child see what happens at school and makes the initial adjustment easier by having connected with their teacher and other children.

All children stay until 3.00pm from the day they start school.

This link might be useful - Preparing Healthy Lunches



It is often congested around a school at the start and end of the school day. Please be considerate of others and take extra care when arriving and leaving the school.

We are lucky in that we have three gates to the school.

There is parking available in the Church Carpark on Seddon Street, on the road in Ranolf Street and on the road in Carnot Street. Children and families can enter and leave school from any of these gates. Note: Ranolf Street gate is locked during the school day for safety reasons.

The staff carpark is not available for parent parking. Please be considerate of others and take extra care when arriving and leaving the school.

Personal Possessions

Children are asked not to bring toys, precious possessions, jewellery or electronic games, unless the class choose to have a Golden Time session when these are allowed. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of such items.


Class photographs are taken every year and parents have the option of having an individual photo of their child taken at the same time.

These are purchased online via our photographer.

At enrolment we need parents to agree to photographs, video of their child taken as part of the school programme to be published on Seesaw or for purposes promoting the school.

Reporting to Parents

Parents and caregivers will have the chance to formally meet their child’s teacher a number of time throughout the year.

Term 1
Korero Mai / Meet the Teacher Days

These two days are at the very beginning of the school year. All families meet with their new teacher for approximately 25 minutes.

The purpose of these meeting is for the teacher to get to know your child, their strengths, goals, concerns and aspirations for the year.

Term 2

Goal Setting Meeting at the beginning of Term 2 (usually Week 2)

Term 3

Mid-Year reports issued at start of Term 3.

Goal Setting Meeting and report discussions. Beginning of Term 3 (usually Week 2)

Term 4

Beginning of Term 3 Goal Setting Meeting,

End of year written reports are sent home in December.


The school pool is heated for all of Term 1 and Term 4 each year.

All classes swim - usually one week on and then one week off.

Swimming is part of the curriculum and the expectation is that all students swim unless the parent contacts the class teacher to explain that they are unwell or have a valid reason why they are unable to swim.

Children do not need to be able to swim when entering school, they will be taught by their classroom teacher. Please ask your teacher if you have any concerns.

Parent support at the pool with new entrant classes is appreciated if there are any parents able to assist.

Strategic Plan

Here is our school Strategic Plan 2024-2026.

Download file


Our school policies are available to view by contacting the school office.



At St Mary’s all students are expected to wear the school uniform with pride.

Uniform items can be purchased at the School Uniform Shop and The Warehouse. Not all items are available at both stores. This is due to different suppliers supplying different uniform items.

The Warehouse stocks most of our school uniform items and has a display stand dedicated to St Mary’s school uniform. This includes: Short sleeved and long sleeved polo shirts, monogrammed polar fleeces, grey and navy socks, Boy's winter and summer shorts, Winter skorts and two styles of blue hat.

We currently have a Uniform shop at school, located in the Hall Foyer and run by volunteer parents, which is open on a Monday and Friday from 8.30 - 9am and on a Wednesday from 2.30 - 3pm.

Our school uniform shop stocks: Girls summer dresses, Girls winter tunic dresses, Summer skorts, jerseys, PE uniforms (t-shirt and shorts) and socks.


Boys - Grey drill shorts and a royal blue short sleeved polo shirt.
Girls - Blue check dress OR Skorts and short sleeves polo shirt.

All students need a royal blue sunhat, Fielding red woollen school jersey and black Roman sandals for footwear.


Boys - Grey woolen shorts and long sleeved royal blue polo shirt.
Grey knee high socks with black leather lace up school shoes.

Girls - Blue and red tunic dress and royal blue skivvy OR blue and red skort and long sleeved polo shirt.
Navy blue knee high socks or navy blue tights with black leather lace up school shoes, or Mary Jane type shoes with a strap across the top of the foot.

In winter students may also wear a school polar fleece in addition to their school jersey, when they come to school or are playing outside. The polar fleece is an optional and additional item and is not to be used instead of a school jersey. Polar fleeces should not be worn in the classroom or at Assembly, Masses or Liturgies.


Shorts and T-shirt are emblazoned with the school crest. These can be purchased from the school uniform shop.


The only jewellery items allowed are a watch and one stud per ear if the student has pierced ears.


Students with hair that is shoulder length or longer need to have it tied back. Blue, black and red hair ties are acceptable. Hairstyles must be simple and of natural colour.


Please ensure your child's footwear is named as when students take them off they are very easily picked up by other students, thinking they are theirs.

In winter, boys wear grey knee high socks with black lace up leather school shoes and girls wear navy blue knee high socks or navy blue tights with black lace up leather school shoes or black Mary-Jane shoes - with a strap across the top of the foot. In summer, both boys and girls wear black Roman sandals.


The lost property box is situated outside Kakano 1.

We encourage you to name all your child’s uniform items.

If a child cannot find an article of clothing, they will be encouraged to look in the school lost property box.

Named items in the lost property box will be returned to children's classroom.

If the child is wearing an older siblings or a second hand uniform then please rename it. It can be very time consuming for the teachers to sort through incorrectly named items of uniform.


Through consultation with students, staff and our community we have developed our leaver profile where students are helped to learn through our school values. Each week students are recognised during school assemblies when they have demonstrated our values.


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